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Feb 7, 2017 7:06 AM

Nov 2011
Hmm I think Jean is trying to get to the truth of something.

Pretty chill episode. In the meantime, pretty sure there's someone that is monitoring Jean from behind the scenes. The Birra district seems like an interesting place in this world. The prince's fascination for Lotta continues. Felt like this episode wasn't as appealing as some of the previous but more like building up for something bigger.
Stark700Feb 7, 2017 8:29 AM
Feb 7, 2017 8:38 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Magie is great, love his personality. So the parents are deceased? Who did he talk to?

Jean finally knows about Nino watching him.

They are really ramping it up with the bread, huh?

Jean meets Grossular in Rokkusu District.
Feb 7, 2017 9:12 AM

Dec 2015
Lol Lotta now has two stalkers following her around.

Nino's cover was finally blown, it was only a matter of time imo. I thought Jean would react more harshly after learning that, but he was chill as always.

Rokkusu district looks like the wild west with cars lol
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Feb 7, 2017 9:19 AM

Jun 2015
The districts shown in this episode were cool. The Birra District is all snowy, while Rokkusu District looks western. Magie is a nice character. He really likes bread. Jean finally realizes Niino was watching him. Their conversation was pretty chill. Niino's faces was priceless when Jean looked at his way. Jean meeting Grossular in Rokkusu District is interesting.
Feb 7, 2017 9:33 AM
Jan 2017
whats with this anime nothings happening at all too boring
Feb 7, 2017 10:03 AM

Sep 2013
Jean finds out about Nino through Lilium but he doesn't make a fuss cause he knows him :'(
Jean and imouto's parents are dead and everyone likes bread :)

The main point of the coup and this story is nationalistic pride, too much pride is bad because it leads to discrimination for a very diverse country like dowa.

Feb 7, 2017 10:10 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
ichii_1 said:
Jean finds out about Nino through Lilium but he doesn't make a fuss cause he knows him :'(
Jean and imouto's parents are dead and everyone likes bread :)

The main point of the coup and this story is nationalistic pride, too much pride is bad because it leads to discrimination for a very diverse country like dowa.

This show makes me so hungry sometimes lol
Feb 7, 2017 10:26 AM

Apr 2009
LOL @ Magie with his breads... I just couldn't stop laughing.

And every men in Rokkusu district looking like Chief Officer Grossular! LOL!

All that going on while the plot slowly moves along. I wonder how all this will play out in the end. This show just keeps getting better and better.
To be or not to be... that is not the question. ;3
Feb 7, 2017 10:29 AM

Dec 2014
Pretty good episode.

I like bread a lot too. :)
Lotta is such a cutie. <3

Jean finally learns about Nino through Lilium, It's nice how he didn't make a big scene over the whole things. Like Nino says, the guy is way too chill. xD

Anyway, mostly just some setup. Let's see what happens next week, The ending should prove to be a very interesting encounter.
Feb 7, 2017 11:38 AM

Jun 2013
Lilium tells Jean about someone tailing him for a month. And that makes Jean realize some events where he ran into someone familiar. And he sees Nino. Boy was it a shock for Nino lol. But Jean doesn't care about the reasons behind why he was being observed.

Jean has to report to Mauve about what happened in Suitsu but he hasn't met her since then. And Nino telling him to go to the bakery was him trying to tell him to meet her. He will have to tell her about the coup stuff in Suitsu. And I don't think Nino told everything about all that to Grossler either. Or maybe he did.

Jean telling Nino to take his imouto out for dinner every night when he's out was him getting Nino off his tail and of course Nino couldn't refuse in front of her so he had to accept.

I'm really liking each district. The world here is pretty interesting. Each district is unique in its own way and Jean is traveling to these unique places but isn't enjoying their uniqueness.

Now he has arrived in Grossler's hometown and is meeting him. What conversation they will have will be interesting. Grossler will bring up the coup thing and probably ask for his opinion on the rumour. He'll try to get some info out of him so that he can confirm his suspicions.
Feb 7, 2017 12:27 PM

Dec 2011
Yamada2 said:

Jean telling Nino to take his imouto out for dinner every night when he's out was him getting Nino off his tail and of course Nino couldn't refuse in front of her so he had to accept.

I thought this was only one of the reasons. Before he said this, Jean looked behind Lotta. He probably noticed one of her stalkers. LOL
Feb 7, 2017 12:44 PM

Apr 2016
Glad Jean discovered Nino early on and handled it in a characteristically cool manner. Would've been pretty dull to see that obvious bit of deception carried on. It seems that there's an increasing focus on Lotte and her growing number of admirers, so I imagine that'll be a point of importance later this season.

Something I'm kinda wondering about is the show's obsessive focus on dessert food. It's become such an overt recurring thing that I have to wonder if it'll somehow be significant later (if it isn't somehow already), because otherwise it's just kind of a baffling extra element that doesn't add much besides random food porn. But maybe I'm just overthinking things lol.
Feb 7, 2017 1:07 PM

Nov 2007
I wonder how stupid someone must be to say nothing is happening in this anime when in fact there is more happening in this anime than probably anywhere's just not in your face.

Anyway~ another good episode that left me with more questions.
I love Niino and Jean's dynamics.
Feb 7, 2017 1:10 PM

Dec 2016
Jean is just too cool. Nothing phases him. If it were me, I would feel way more betrayed by Nino. I can't decide if his chill-ness is admirable or irritating. He's gotta have a button somewhere....just waiting for it to be pushed.
Feb 7, 2017 2:00 PM

Dec 2016
So we got an episode all about bread. I like wholemeal or multigrain.

Jean is a pretty laid back guy, who knows exactly how many people are watching him yet he just goes around doing his thing.

Lotta has a fun carefree nature to herself, she oblivious to everything that is going on around her.
Feb 7, 2017 2:15 PM

Jan 2016
why does he smoke?
he gives zero fucks

the sandwhich bread conversation was really funny, made me think of Whis from Dragon Ball Super

Feb 7, 2017 3:51 PM

May 2015
Not much happened in this episode until the ending, but I still liked it.

Feb 7, 2017 3:57 PM
Aug 2014
I honestly loved Jeans reaction to Nino, it was do in-character for him.

I assume Jean and Lotta's parents died during a train accident given the look on her face when he mentioned travelling by train and Nino's follow up comment on the safety of trains thanks to ACCA.

I suspect Liliums involved in the Coup, as he seems to be directing blame elsewhere.

Also, was Mauve waiting on Jean? It seemed like it as she commented "he's not coming" when she briefely showed up. Curious, Jean potentially blowing off Mauve.
Feb 7, 2017 5:08 PM

Sep 2014
Someone needs to tell me if I'm reading into this or not.

Ok so the part where Jean and Nino meet up. Jean asks if when he is drunk he says stuff Nino shouldn't know. Nino then tells Jean that he once said "I like him (Talking about jean liking Grossular), just as the director general does, too." Was that a subtle hint of Nino telling Jean he works for Grossular, just as Jean has a deal with the Director general?

Anyway, I like how the confrontation went down. Like you could tell they a genuine friends.

Jean meeting up with Grossular next episode, looking forward to it.

Also the show has an odd focus on bread.
Feb 7, 2017 5:55 PM

Jun 2016
Tokoya said:
ichii_1 said:
Jean finds out about Nino through Lilium but he doesn't make a fuss cause he knows him :'(
Jean and imouto's parents are dead and everyone likes bread :)

The main point of the coup and this story is nationalistic pride, too much pride is bad because it leads to discrimination for a very diverse country like dowa.

This show makes me so hungry sometimes lol

Sometimes this show is like food porn.

Lin Xianming is best waifu and you can't change my mind.
Feb 7, 2017 6:24 PM

Mar 2016
Smudy said:
Magie is great, love his personality. So the parents are deceased? Who did he talk to?

He was talking with the other stalker, the bowl haired one. They're "partners", now, by sharing infos and loving bread.

Nice EP. I'm loving the places, the characters and how everything is unfolding.
The cool Jean is the best guy. Also, I don't know if I cheer to Mauve or to Eider girl :v

As I said, Lilium is suspicious and my theory about Grossular being a ultra-patriot and then, a puppet is almost right.
Tbh, I don't think that the prince is spying on Lotta for love or something like (at least, not just that). Just see his face after he hears about her parents situation and where she lives, I think that he is suspicious about her past. To sum up, he smelled a rat.
"[...]I have to admit I'm not a big anime fan. Most anime that makes it over here seems to be either about schoolgirls with supernatural powers who battle evil, or adolescent boys who - for some convoluted reason - wind up having to pilot big giant robots...although, today, you just need to put some boobs or harem and fantasy and it'll be 10/10."
Feb 7, 2017 9:40 PM

Dec 2013
Another great episode. Loved how chill Jean was when meeting up with Nino. That and how he basically protected his sister from stalkers and managed to keep Nino away from himself on that trip at the same time, just in time to meet Grossler in private.

Hoping we get some reveals to where some of them stand in the overarching plot next week.
Feb 7, 2017 11:10 PM

Nov 2014
Is this Yakitate Japan season 2 in disguise?

Magie, the prince and the other stalker were all hilarious. Definitely didn't expect Magie to fall for the deliciousness of the food too.

Am I the only one who feels that elegant feeling emanating from this show? The body movements and the seiyuu's voices were excellent. I think this is my first time feeling something like that while watching anime.
Feb 7, 2017 11:48 PM

Sep 2013
The stalkers becoming friends was pretty funny.

I've really been enjoying this show.

I find it interesting how Jean keeps to his word about not telling ANYONE about the coup in poshville (the name of the district escapes me).
Feb 8, 2017 1:41 AM

Sep 2013
How many episodes will this have? I like the pace so I'm hoping they won't shit the bed by making it end too soon.
Feb 8, 2017 2:36 AM
Oct 2007
This week the show continue to build up the story and develop the characters. Still pretty enjoyable!
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Feb 8, 2017 2:37 AM

Feb 2016
damn I got carried away by the spying, coup d'etat & politics that I forgot the main reason why I'm watching this in the first place. It's only after I rewatched Saraiya Goyou that I came to realise how similar are those 2 shows. Now I'm kinda disappointed that madhouse is the one who took this cuz I got distracted too much by the animation that I missed out something very important. I need to revaluate myself as a fan of Natsume Ono & start paying close attention to Jean Otus
Feb 8, 2017 3:03 AM

Apr 2016
Genuinely some of the most powerful pacing I've seen. The scant world-building in the Birra district reflects exactly Jean contemplating Niino's spying on him. The subtle tension is real.

I don't think saying Jean doesn't care or give a fuck is fair or accurate. He is reserved, but not indifferent. His actions are deliberate and he clearly has an affection for Niino and Lotta. He refrains from trusting fully both Mauve and Lilium which is undoubtedly justified; there are a lot of suspicious characters with unclear agendas.

At this point nobody except maybe Jean himself is beyond suspicion(I can't bring myself to consider that he actually knows more than the audience). Hope they can tie this up well in the 12 episodes there are.
MentalDentistFeb 8, 2017 10:29 AM
Feb 8, 2017 5:12 AM

Dec 2015
Better than episode 4. As good as episode 3 and with the end/cliffhanger even better. Looking forward to Groshular and Jean meeting/talking.
Feb 8, 2017 6:01 AM

Dec 2014
Feb 8, 2017 9:34 AM
Nov 2016
A pretty good episode, except for a few discrepancies.

I just don't get why Jean doesn't care too much about Nino being a spy, I mean come on, his best friend lied to him, that does call for some anger!

They didn't show Mauve in this episode and we still don't know anything about who Grossular and the other chief officers are.... This all seems to be a build up to something, probably the coup...
Feb 8, 2017 9:40 AM

Jun 2016
Now that he already know who's behind of this incident by getting watch...
Which I'd would say that.. Jean had no chill confronting Nino... What a Guy!! :D
Precisely... Jean didn't want to talk about that coup.. thing

The Episode is so Blissed with Breadss.... NOM NOM NOM
I'm laughing my ass off about when Magie serves a sandwich and piece of Buttertoast to the prince...

Magie actually never heard of what you called "Sandwich"

The Ending all throughout the episode...

Indeed talking about Nation is way off the hook but not as much as The District..

I've seen too much Grosslar in every city....
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Feb 8, 2017 9:54 AM
Mar 2016
So Jean now knows about Nino's spying on him, Lotta........ looks like she gonna have a harem of her own.

WTF is the fuss about sliced bread when it's very obvious that it's a main ingredient for a sandwich.
Feb 8, 2017 10:26 AM

Jun 2013
he found out about Nino spying on him
Feb 8, 2017 2:04 PM
Apr 2016
thesarcasticguy said:
A pretty good episode, except for a few discrepancies.

I just don't get why Jean doesn't care too much about Nino being a spy, I mean come on, his best friend lied to him, that does call for some anger!

They didn't show Mauve in this episode and we still don't know anything about who Grossular and the other chief officers are.... This all seems to be a build up to something, probably the coup...

You are getting it all wrong. Nino never lied to Jean and Jean trusts him that he would not endanger him. Jean never asked him, " Nino, are you spying on me?" - "No, Jean, I am not". That would be a lie. The friendship between them holds more significance than the fact that his friend was secretly observing him.
Feb 9, 2017 5:59 AM

Aug 2015
It's like really hard to explain, without much happening, it still keeps me entertained as one of the top shows this season. Hope I'll find out why I like it soon, lol.
Chicken is love, chicken is life ~ ♥
Feb 9, 2017 10:47 PM

Jan 2014
willingscapegoat said:
Something I'm kinda wondering about is the show's obsessive focus on dessert food. It's become such an overt recurring thing that I have to wonder if it'll somehow be significant later (if it isn't somehow already), because otherwise it's just kind of a baffling extra element that doesn't add much besides random food porn. But maybe I'm just overthinking things lol.
Anne Lauenroth has a very interesting take on the importance of food and more specifically bread in ACCA in her ANN review of episode 5.
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Feb 10, 2017 8:50 AM

Mar 2013
I like how the revelation of Jean finding out Nino being a spy wasn't made dramatic of any sorts. One of the officers come, tells him and that's it. He's pretty chill with it lol

So we've got an admirer of Jean. Potential love partner if route Mauve fails? :3
Feb 10, 2017 1:22 PM

Jun 2015
You know, I really like this show thus far, but all they did till now was world building and food porn. They should get to the point soon.
Feb 11, 2017 12:47 AM

Dec 2012
Magie was funny to watch xD. I wonder who he called to know that Lolla parents are dead :/.
Jean discovered Nino immediately after his discussion in the car. I like that Jean didn't change and continued to act like before with his "friend".
Great episode
Feb 11, 2017 7:02 PM

Dec 2010
wow Jean shows almost no emotion whatsoever, I'd think he really doesn't care about the rumors and just want a peaceful life even if it mean getting to the bottom of the mystery
Feb 11, 2017 7:31 PM

Apr 2014
dark_reunion said:
whats with this anime nothings happening at all too boring
It's most likely all a build up to a big moment that will happen around the 10th episode, as the show is really building up a great world with interesting characters and multiple settings which would make for an interesting civil war which is constantly being hinted at.
Feb 12, 2017 8:13 PM

Jan 2013
Jean didn't know that Niino was spying on him.
That snow part, typical Jean xD "So you're spying on me? I see... so let's dinner together?" xD But i know that it was a hard moment for him :/
But when Niino saw that Jean knew that he was spying on him, i think something froze inside him...
I bet that blue haired that will fall in love with Lotta xD remember my words.
It's amazing how diverse their districts are, they are more like countries. I'm loving those Jean's travels.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Feb 13, 2017 1:05 PM

Jul 2016
People who keep saying nothing happened have no idea about story building.
Feb 13, 2017 1:20 PM

Jan 2015
Bread symbolizes the wealth and power of that district. For instance, Dowa had the most intricate, with hundreds of different kinds and decorated since it was the capital. Suitsu on the other hand had simple french baguette/loaf, showing that it was poor.

Also if you remember Maggie giving all that bread to prince and showing how once is done in one district and the other's done in the other. They looked very different, just like the LIFE in districts.
We might find more symbolism about bread later tho. Also bread gives a relaxing feeling to the series which is good.
Feb 21, 2017 12:44 AM

Jun 2013
I guess the food theme of this series is bread. Not feeling too good since I just ate five little rolls and I feel like the fattest fucker on the planet.

As previously confirmed, Lotta is making her own mini harem. Either Magi is going to be a boyfriend or a girlfriend, he looks like the latter.

Ooh so that was Nino who stopped those two guys from fucking up Jean in Suitsu. I thought his voice was familiar.

OMG, the blonde ponytail guy's name is Sandpiper. Might as well have named him Sandpaper. Cheezuz on a cracker.
Feb 22, 2017 4:34 AM

Nov 2011
The question is simple: a person or unable to understand the situation on its own, or is there someone who makes him understand. The narrative marks an important point in history, I do not think that things will be the same as before, but my focus is on what happens in the final, when Otus speaks with his sister; who knows if it is going to tear apart the veil that hides the secrets about the activities of Jean, interesting. Other interesting points are always the geopolitical and not issues.

ichii_1 said:
Jean finds out about Nino through Lilium but he doesn't make a fuss cause he knows him :'(
Jean and imouto's parents are dead and everyone likes bread :)

The main point of the coup and this story is nationalistic pride, too much pride is bad because it leads to discrimination for a very diverse country like dowa.

As in all matters, it takes common sense. The bread is love, the bread is life!

Nippah42 said:
Tokoya said:
This show makes me so hungry sometimes lol

Sometimes this show is like food porn.

However, we lack the half-naked people. XD
Mar 7, 2017 7:23 AM

Jun 2013
Not a lot really happened, but a good episode nonetheless.
Mar 29, 2017 5:43 AM

Jul 2014
I love this anime's obsession with bread. lol

Also Lilium seems more suspicious now and Groshular a little less so. Soooo curiousssss!!!
. . . . . . . . . .
DO NOT touch my rice. . . . . .
I'm Asian. . . . . .
Apr 5, 2017 12:58 PM

May 2010
Jean noticed. Yes. Thanks to the cool black-haired guy. Still not gonna trust him tho.

Magie x Lotta. Yes Please. I like this. Even better than Niino x Lotta. Must say she got all the guys attentions, even her brother is really attentive to her needs. Really like her.

Niino x Jean tho. dat trust.

Grossular turned into a meme lmao.

Gah I love this anime.
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