Is it halloween or what?
jason43506 Closed Account Mar 11, 2008 #1 Is it halloween or what? Attachments animal_costumes.jpg 63.9 KB · Views: 147
nightwanker Proud first owner of FreeOnes Playing Cards Mar 11, 2008 #2 What do pets do when you’re not at home...... cheer it up
What do pets do when you’re not at home...... cheer it up
tartanterrier Is somewhere outhere. Mar 11, 2008 #4 Those dogs must belong to people with more money than sense
M Muire Mar 12, 2008 #8 At first I thought the Cat was dressed up as a pirate. The head thing is kinda like a bandana, he only has one and a impressive scowl. Its like a pirate with scurvy costume. Or maybe constipation.
At first I thought the Cat was dressed up as a pirate. The head thing is kinda like a bandana, he only has one and a impressive scowl. Its like a pirate with scurvy costume. Or maybe constipation.